I have a confession to make, my blog reading friends. I may have misled you with the title of this blog. You see, I’m feeling a bit scandalous today. A bit naughty. A bit…mischievous. You want to know why? I shall tell you. It’s because I’ve been reading the newly released ebook version of Edwina Currie’s A Parliamentary Affair, and let me tell you. It puts Fifty Shades of Grey firmly in the shade. Mainly because it doesn’t make me want to bash my head repeatedly against a wall whilst mumbling, incoherently ‘bestseller…why…what….the tampon scene…scarred for life…’ but also because its outrageous combination of politics and (whisper it) s-e-x has sent me a bit giddy.

In A Parliamentary Affair we’re introduced to Elaine Stalker, newly elected MP, who has worked hard for her election to Westminster. But the unequivocally masculine atmosphere of the House of Commons is a hostile environment for an attractive, ambitious woman and Elaine is frustrated when her talents are ignored. Relishing his powerful role as wheeler-dealer, whip Roger Dickson provides a sympathetic ear for Elaine. At first their relationship is strictly professional; but a shared passion for politics proves an aphrodisiac and late-night sittings offer ample opportunities for discussions of a more private nature...

You can watch Edwina reading an extract from the book here (nipples, bananas and a sticky bed galore) and her entire series of classic political novels are available here but I also have another super fun video for you today. You see, I didn’t COMPLETELY mislead you with the title. I do have a video of someone who looks very much like Edwina Currie getting her groove on. And the reason why she looks so like Edwina? She just happens to be Edwina’s daughter.

This here happens to be the video for The Mojams feat. Debbie Currie: ‘You Can Do Magic’. Oh yes, you can. Enjoy.