Biteback to publish Theo Clarke’s groundbreaking book on birth trauma

  • July 08, 2024 11:00
  • Biteback Publishing

Biteback Publishing has acquired world rights for Theo Clarke’s Breaking the Taboo, which it will publish in May 2025.

In an emotional debate in the House of Commons in October last year, Theo Clarke broke down in tears as she described being rushed into emergency surgery after the birth of her daughter, terrified she was going to die.

She received a standing ovation and was amazed at the public response. Having shared her own story, she was inundated with accounts from other mothers of their own traumatic childbirth experiences. Quickly she realised that, although birth trauma is a huge issue, there is still a real taboo around speaking about it.

In the UK alone, it’s estimated that up to 30,000 women a year suffer bad experiences during the delivery of their babies, with one in twenty developing post-traumatic stress disorder as a result. Despite this, poor and substandard maternity and postnatal care is too often tolerated as normal.

As an MP, Clarke chaired the first UK inquiry into birth trauma, hearing harrowing evidence from more than 1,300 women, some of whose lives were ruined by their experiences. In Breaking the Taboo, she presents the stories and experiences of mothers and fathers from all different backgrounds that show the undiscussed realities of childbirth trauma and poor maternity care. This urgent book will start a conversation that is as essential as it is overdue.

Theo Clarke said:

“Birth trauma is one of the world’s biggest challenges in women’s health and I am delighted Biteback is publishing my book, as the important debate must continue about how to improve maternity care here in the UK and in other countries too.

The book will bring forward new testimony and expert opinion to look closely at what needs to be done to end the postcode lottery of care in childbirth and the horrifying experiences women can suffer in maternity units that leave them physically and mentally scarred, unable to work and feeling alone.

There is much to do and I hope my book will build on my campaign in Parliament, in the NHS and in government on this taboo subject. We are finally talking about it, but we still need radical policy change to improve how new mums are treated.

In the twenty-first century, women should not suffer a lack of compassion, substandard care, life-threatening and life-changing injuries simply to become mothers.”


James Stephens, publisher at Biteback, said:

“This remarkable book will be an essential addition to the discussion around how we regard and treat women and childbirth – a discussion Theo has already campaigned so hard to make happen.”

Breaking the Taboo will be published in May 2025, accompanied by a major publicity campaign.


Theo Clarke was the Member of Parliament for Stafford. She chaired the first parliamentary inquiry into birth trauma in British history and previously set up the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Birth Trauma in the House of Commons. Theo has served as parliamentary private secretary at the Departments for Education, Business and Trade and HM Treasury, in addition to being trade envoy for the Prime Minister. She won “Speech of the Year” at the Parliamentarian of the Year Awards in 2024.Theo has written for a number of publications including The Times, the Daily Telegraph and Country Life. This is her first book. 


For more information, please contact Suzanne Sangster on




Newly acquired books for 2024

  • March 04, 2024 14:00
  • Biteback Publishing

Interested in elevating your reading list for 2024? Explore the latest additions to Biteback’s catalogue for a selection of compelling reads.



Conflict, Cooperation and Coalition: 100 years of Lib–Lab Relations by David Laws

The Unusual Channels: Inside the mysterious world of political whips by Sebastian Whale

Political biography

Suella Braverman by Rosa Prince


Millicent Garrett Fawcett by Tessa Blackstone

Better Get Carman by Karen Phillipps

Political history

Winston’s Bandits: Churchill’s Controversial Companions in Adversity and Triumph by Adrian Phillips

The Art of Delivery: The Inside Story of How the Blair Government Transformed Britain’s Public Services by Michelle Clement


Hitler’s Crime Fighter by David Lee

Hair Apparent: A Voyage Around My Roots by Tina Shingler

Current affairs

The ‘F’ Word by Patsy Stevenson

Inheritocracy: How the inheritance economy is keeping families together and pulling society apart by Eliza Filby

We Are What We Read by Vybarr Cregan-Reid

Espionage and crime

The Intelligent Spy’s Handbook by Robin Renwick

Murder in Cairo: The Killing of David Holden by Peter Gillman and Emanuele Midolo


Go To War by Jon Spurling


Yes, Ma’am: The Secret Life of Royal Servants by Tom Quinn


Browse our new releases here.

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Biteback to publish Liz Truss

  • September 10, 2023 00:01
  • Biteback Publishing

Biteback Publishing has acquired the first book by former Prime Minister Liz Truss.


In Ten Years to Save the West, Truss – who as Prime Minister sought to champion an agenda of limited government and individual freedom – will argue that the rise of authoritarianism around the world and the adoption of fashionable ideas propagated by the global left give us barely a decade to preserve the economic and cultural freedom and institutions that the West holds so dear.

Liz Truss said: “After more than ten years as a government minister, I’ve seen up close the threats posed to global democracy. Across the free world, we face massive, unaccountable administrative states and complacent political and corporate establishments which are not only putting the brakes on economic growth, but also hampering our ability to stand up to authoritarian regimes like China and Russia.

“I want to share the lessons from my experience in government and those international meetings where I was often the only conservative in the room and demonstrate that we have stark choices to make if we wish to avoid a managed decline of the Western architecture that has presided over generations of relative peace and prosperity.”

Peppered with newsworthy anecdotes from her time in public life – such as her memorable last meeting with Queen Elizabeth II, her challenges to Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping as Foreign Secretary, her encounters with the Trump administration as Trade Minister, and her dismay at the political class’s attempts to betray Brexit – this book will be a timely warning about the perils facing conservatism in the years ahead.

In it, Truss will warn that too many of her fellow conservatives have allowed themselves to be captured by the left-wing influences that set the agenda and frame the debate in so many institutions from the media to academia and the corporate world.

She will also call for a return to the alliances built by leaders such as Reagan, Thatcher and others in another era when Western values were under siege. Only if the West recommits to building both strong societies and strong economies, unhampered by big government and regulation, Truss argues, can we guarantee voters a free and meaningful choice in their destiny.

Ten Years to Save the West will be published in April 2024. It will be published in the US by Regnery.

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Biteback to publish Angela Rayner biography

  • August 23, 2023 14:00
  • Biteback Publishing

Biteback will publish Lord Ashcroft’s next political biography, of Angela Rayner, Labour’s Deputy Leader, in 2024.


Read Lord Ashcroft’s announcement here:

“With the possibility that a Labour government could be in power by or before January 2025, the time has come to announce that my newest book project is a biography of Angela Rayner, Labour’s Deputy Leader.

Since becoming an MP in 2015, Ms Rayner has been hard to ignore. Sometimes controversial, always spirited, usually outspoken and unfailingly committed to the socialist causes she holds dear, she has quickly become one of the best known politicians on the national stage. Her impressive climb to the top of the Labour Party means that she is now on the brink of exerting enormous influence over British citizens.

As with all of my political biographies, this book will be independent, open-minded and even-handed, letting the facts speak for themselves. The research I’ve done already has convinced me that Ms Rayner is certainly one of the most interesting figures operating in Westminster today.

In recent months I have been working on a biography of a rising star in Conservative Party politics, Kemi Badenoch. That book, together with the Angela Rayner project, will be published ahead of the general election, which must be held no later than 24 January 2025. And next month, All to Play For, my fully revised and updated biography of Rishi Sunak, which was first released in 2020 as Going for Broke, will also be published.

Over the next 15 months or so, British politics promises to be fascinating. I look forward to doing my best to enlightening voters about what makes some of its principal players tick.”


Discover more of Lord Ashcroft’s publications here.


Biteback has acquired Islands by Mark Easton

  • August 15, 2022 09:17
  • Biteback Publishing

Biteback Publishing has acquired Islands: Searching for truth on the shoreline by BBC Home Editor Mark Easton, to be published in October 2022.

No man is an island, wrote John Donne. Easton argues the opposite: that we are all islands, and it is on the contradictory shoreline where isolation meets connectedness, where ‘us’ meets ‘them’, that we find out who we truly are.

In this personal exploration of our fascination with islands and ‘islandness’, Easton chronicles a sweep of 250 million years of history: from Pangaea, the supercontinent mother of all islands, to the first intrepid islanders pointing their canoes over the horizon, to his own journeys of discovery among the hidden corners of our world. Roaming from Arran to Antigua, he illustrates how understanding islands and island syndrome might help humanity get closer to the truth about itself.


Mark Easton joined the BBC in 1986 before being appointed Political Editor at Channel 5 News in 1996 and Home and Social Affairs Editor at Channel 4 News in 1998. He returned to BBC News as Home Editor in 2004, a post he still holds.

Olivia Beattie, Editorial Director at Biteback, acquired UK Commonwealth rights excluding Canada from Andrew Gordon at David Higham Associates.


Easton said: ‘My ambition in this book is to investigate the almost magical qualities of the encircling shoreline, to chronicle the journey of physical islands and explore the psychological islands that form the great archipelago of humankind. If you want to get a better understanding of the human condition in all its impossible complexity, islands are good places to go.’

Beattie said: ‘With memories of lockdown still blisteringly fresh, Mark’s exploration of the boundaries between isolation and connection, between individuality and the wider world, between “us” and “not us”, has a remarkable resonance. Islands is a deep dive into geography, myth, literature, politics and philosophy, but above all it’s an inventive and hugely original insight into how cultures bloom and how geography shapes human nature.’


Islands: Searching for truth on the shoreline will be published on 11 October, accompanied by a major publicity campaign.

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