Submission guidelines
If you would like to submit a proposal, please email our info account on (Please note that we cannot accept postal submissions.) Proposals should give a brief synopsis of the central arguments and themes of the book, and include the following information:
- A proposed working title and subtitle (which should give a clear indication of the content of the book).
- A one-sentence description of what the book is and why you think it will sell.
- A 200-word summary of the content and appeal of the book, describing your target audience. This should be similar in tone to the blurb on a book cover.
- A more in-depth chapter-by-chapter outline, illustrating the structure of the book and explaining the book’s argument in more detail, with a paragraph devoted to each chapter.
- An outline of the proposed market and information on how to target your readership. You should include any relevant anniversaries that might provide a publicity hook, any looming news events that might tie in, and any affiliated organisations who might support the marketing efforts.
- Information on the main competing titles, including previously successful books in the field, with information on how your proposed book is different.
- A note on your sources. Is the book based on original research, interviews with prominent figures or similar? Is new archival material being released? What new information does your book uncover?
- The estimated length (in thousands of words, including bibliography, footnotes etc.).
- A realistic delivery date.
- An author bio, setting out relevant qualifications for writing the book. Mention any previous books you’ve written, with a note of their sales figures. Have you appeared on TV or radio in the past, or written for any newspapers or magazines? Do you have high-profile contacts who could endorse the book?
- A sample chapter (or full manuscript if available). If sending sample chapters, these should include work that shows your writing at its best and incorporates your most newsworthy points.
Please note, we receive a very high volume of unsolicited submissions. We aim to respond to all proposals within a month, but at busy times there may be a longer wait.