Big Cheese made a guest appearance in Stylist magazine this week.

Er, not in the beauty section I hasten to add, nor in the fashion section for that matter. That's not to say I don't think he's an icon of the ages - in fact I may even have to invest in one of these beauties myself.

No. He appeared instead in his capacity as editor of Margaret Thatcher In Her Own Words.

In Her Own Words is a collection of Margaret Thatcher's greatest and most famous speeches and interviews as well as biographical material.

Iain has written and edited a number of excellent books about Margaret Thatcher in the past and needless-to-say his latest effort promises to live up to expectations. Not only is he an authoritative voice on all things Maggie T but it appears he's also the bearer of some of the sweetest stories:

“In 1988 my 4-year-old niece turned to me and asked ‘Uncle Iain, is it possible for a man to be prime minister?'”

The article featured in Stylist by Kate Graham focusses on a recurring theme - what did Margaret Thatcher do for women? - and as Kate rightly points out; Iain's niece pretty much sums it up.

Margaret Thatcher In Her Own Words is published on the 11th November and is available now to pre-order here in paperback format, priced £12.99 and here as a 3 disc audio CD, priced £19.99.