Hi All,

Exciting times lie ahead. We’ve just moved to our new offices and vacated our quite lovely home on Kennington Lane. Gone are the days of staring out at commuters as they abandon their vehicles in the middle of the road to scream at a hapless bus driver, no longer will we be tickled by the vision of inebriants peeing on the doorstep of MI6 London Station, and never again will we be privy to the intimate secrets thrust into the public domain in roadside domestic disputes. I for one will miss it.

Now all we have is a stunning view of Parliament. Rubbish.

So, for us, it’s onwards and upwards as we creep ever closer to Westminster and ever further from ground level. There is a point to all this, of course; here’s our new address:

Biteback Publishing
3 Albert Embankment
SE1 7SP (Sausage Potatoes)

Don’t hesitate to pop by and see us, we’re not letting the altitude go to our heads (hence my mentioning it more than once). But if you do, can you ensure you yell at us incoherently, anything – just like old times...