I had never done a live TV interview before – and on Sunday I had to do two. To say I was nervous when I went to bed on Monday evening is an understatement. To be honest I didn’t sleep very well and getting up really wasn’t a problem. Vilma was brilliant at trying to keep me calm but the house was so busy this weekend that I couldn’t wait to leave.

I got to the Andrew Marr show and waited in the Green Room and I began to feel calmer. I knew what I wanted to say and this was my first chance to say it in person. The only slight glitch was that I think that I overdid the coffee and I was getting caffeine rushes. Sat waiting for the opening shots I managed to have a conversation with Nick Clegg – we spoke about the joys of early mornings with the kids.

The interview with Andrew Marr was over in a flash buy I think it went ok. Carol Vorderman, who was reviewing the papers, told me she thought it went well and asked for a signed copy of the book. And then on to Sky for a session with Adam Boulton and Steve Pound MP.

The Green Room was busy as Ken Livingstone and Edwina Currie were preparing for their paper review. It was good to see Steve, I’ve always liked him and we spent some time catching up. And then we were on. Steve had a bit of a go at me, I had a bit of a go back – but it was all pretty friendly. It was over pretty quickly.

In the car on the way home Vilma texted me to say well done, she said that I only looked nervous right at the start of the Marr show. I was pleased as well; I had a chance to again explain why I have written Inside Out and why now. I had a chance to acknowledge that some Labour activists are understandably cross with me. And I was able to show that I stand by and am proud of my book.