As you might have noticed, the world has changed dramatically in the past few weeks. Don’t worry, though: that doesn’t mean that you can’t carry on reading your favourite new releases!
We’ve made the switch to working from home, like so many of you will have done, but we’re still taking orders on our website: both for eBook and physical copies (though these may take a little longer to arrive). Good thing, too: we’ve just discounted our brand new books, Mark Pack’s Bad News and Sebastian Whale’s John Bercow: Call to Order to £10 each!
In more exciting news, we’re holding an eBook sale: for one week, starting from today, we’re discounting all of our eBooks published before February to 99p each. Stock up, fill your virtual bookshelves and keep yourself occupied from home.
If you’re looking for more content, then we suggest a trip to the Biteback podcast, where we’ll be releasing new content weekly, and where you can already find interviews with Mark Pack, Kenny MacAskill and exclusive extracts from Seb Whale’s new book…