Having been stuck at home with little accessible work, the Publicity team at Biteback find themselves writing blogs, tweeting and emailing from their burrows. This one is about the only thing that can really occupy anyone’s attention at this time… Snow.

Looking out of the window we can’t help but notice how much the blanket of snow pushing right up to the front door resembles a comfy white duvet. Obviously, put on your pyjamas and roll around in it at your own peril, but the analogy somehow grants the snow its traditional status as magical and fun. I doubt many commuters today would agree with us, for, in the days of icy rails and ‘severe delays’, the snow is usually referred to with slightly different connotations, many of which cannot be published on this nice website.

However, we would like to celebrate the snow for giving us a reason to sit indoors staring out of windows with wonderment. Many people say that the weather means we should be emigrating, but we say that the snow is a sign that the world is just too damn fast paced. There’s always so much pressure, whatever age you are, to be out doing active, sociable things, quickly, but we believe the duvet is out there telling us to curl up (not in the snow, we must stress that), stay warm and be unsociable whilst you have the opportunity. Maybe even read a good book. Maybe one of the brilliant titles from Biteback.

Straight after we build a snowman, though!

I bet it won’t even snow on Christmas Day. Bloody weather.