It's A Jungle Out There A Lipman-agerie

Have you ever wondered what the wizarding world might look like if it were graced with a character like Harry Otter? Or what American politics would be under the administration of Squirrelly Clinton? Maureen Lipman has. Inspired by her doodle of Oscar Wildebeest – a steer in a dinner jacket – the renowned author and actress began dabbling in the dark art of the unholy celebrity/animal mashup. When she woke at 3 a.m. and said out loud, ‘Tuna Stubbs!’, the die was cast. A book was born.
Sharp, funny and endlessly inventive, lt’s a Jungle Out There presents a dizzying array of stars as you’ve – really – never seen them before. Featuring such luminaries as Leonaardvark DiCaprio, Giraffa Nadal and Ellafantz Gerald, this otterly brilliant collection is guaranteed to quack you up.
“A witty, pithy, fun and fabulous satirical sketch book.”
Kathy Lette