Cover 9781849543927

If you want to hear something stupid, just listen to the nearest politician. From the author’s of Read My Lips and Mission Accomplished!, this completely new politicians’ gaffes, slips and brain freezes bring the verbal misstep into the present era of Coalition government in Britain, the 2012 presidential election campaign in America and the global phenomenon of Wikileaks.
Here is a treasure trove of the finest worst utterings from the men and women whose main skill is meant to be their power of communication. From Bush, Obama and Palin to Brown, Cameron and Clegg and co., the mad, the bad and the stupid and the shameless are all in attendance – watch them shoot from the lip and hit themselves in the foot.
If, as they always say, politicians want to be judged by their words, let them be these.

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  • eBook
  • ISBN: 9781849544818
  • 22 October 2012
  • £10.99

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