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Peter Hain has always spoken his mind – whatever the topic, whatever the cost. Growing up as the son of anti-apartheid South Africans, Hain was first in the public eye aged fifteen, reading at the funeral of a dissident friend hanged in Pretoria. Living in exile in Britain during his late teens, he led campaigns to disrupt whites-only South African sports tours. His political notoriety resulted in two extraordinary Old Bailey trials and a letter bomb. Now, Hain tells his story from outsider to trusted insider: anti-apartheid militant turned Cabinet minister, serving twelve years in Labour’s government. Featuring Iraq, Mugabe, Europe, Gibraltar, blood diamonds, MI5 and MI6, Wales and negotiating the historic Northern Ireland settlement, this is the story of a courageous, campaigning life.


In terms of decency and principle, he was one of the best.

Martin Ivens, Sunday Times

There is a real sense of authenticity in these pages

Simon Kinnersley, Tribune

His account of growing up in apartheid South Africa in a family fighting racism and willing to put themselves in the firing line is fascinating

Keith Somerville , Africa Journalism

In terms of decency and principle, he was one of the best.

Martin Ivens, Sunday Times

Disarmingly understated … refreshingly honest … Peter Hain has lived life to the full, which is more than most of our politicians can say.

John Kampfner, The Observer

Reads more like a political thriller than a memoir.

Decca Aitkenhead, The Guardian
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  • eBook
  • ISBN: 9781849542982
  • 28 August 2012
  • £10.99

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