• FEB 03

    Rosa Prince at The London School of Economics and Political Science

    • 3 Feb 2016
    • Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building

    Comrade Corbyn: A Very Unlikely Coup Until recently, Jeremy Corbyn was barely known outside political circles, yet last summer he rode a wave of popular enthusiasm to win the Labour Party leadership by a landslide, with a greater mandate than any British political leader before him. So how did this very British iconoclast manage to snatch the leadership...

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  • NOV 29

    Owen Bennett and Dan Hodges discuss 'The Personality of Power'

    • 29 Nov 2015
    • Winstanley Lecture Theatre

    Owen Bennett is a political journalist working in Westminster. After starting out in local newspapers, he joined the Daily Express, becoming its online political reporter. He then led the political coverage for theMirror online, and is currently political reporter for the Huffington Post UK. Owen is a regular contributor to the BBC and Sky News and has...

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  • NOV 25

    An evening of Provocations with Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Joan Smith, Kurt Barling & Peter York

    • 25 Nov 2015
    • Waterstones Piccadilly, London

    Provocations is a ground-breaking series of short polemics composed by some of the most intriguing voices in contemporary culture and edited by Yasmin Alibhai-Brown.    Join Yasmin and fellow authors Joan Smith, Kurt Barling and Peter York as they present and debate their own unique takes on a range of topics.   As a Shia Muslim, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown...

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  • NOV 17

    Paul Twivy in conversation with Ian Hislop

    • 17 Nov 2015
    • Hatchards Piccadilly

    Best described as an informed antidote to Russell Brand’s Revolution. Paul Twivy’s new book is an absolute must in the 800th year since Magna Carta and a year after an incredibly exciting Scottish referendum. Advocating a radical and engaged new approach to politics and voting it is the breath of fresh air that many people are looking for in our political system....

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  • NOV 16

    Fighting for a Place in Parliament: An evening with Robert Dale

    • 16 Nov 2015
    • William Harvey Room, British Medical Association

    ‘Fighting for a Place in Parliament: What is it like to work for an MP?’ Thousands of people apply to work in MPs’ parliamentary offices every year. Why? Because they want to operate at the centre of British politics and are drawn by the sense of power, history and importance of the House of Commons. They want hear words they’ve written read out in the...

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  • OCT 20

    Roger Mosey and John Humphrys discuss ‘Getting Out Alive’

    • 20 Oct 2015
    • Hatchards Piccadilly

    Giving a unique insider’s account of life inside the BBC, Getting Out Alive is the memoir of one of the broadcasting industry’s most respected figures Roger Mosey was a leading figure at the BBC for twenty years in roles ranging from editor of Radio 4′s Today programme to leading the coverage of the 2012 London Olympics. Join him for an evening of discussion...

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  • OCT 18

    Geoffrey Robertson QC at Uxbridge Literary Festival

    • 18 Oct 2015

    Geoffrey Robertson QC has had a distinguished career as a trial counsel, human rights advocate and United Nations judge. He has appeared in many celebrated Old Bailey trials, defending the editors of Oz magazine and Gay News, the National Theatre over its staging of The Romans in Britain, and the directors of Matrix Churchill in the case that exposed the...

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  • OCT 17

    Yasmin Alibhai-Brown at Festival of the Imagination

    • 17 Oct 2015
    • Warwick University

    Yasmin Alibhai-Brown is a Ugandan-born British journalist and author, who describes herself as a 'leftie liberal, anti-racist, feminist, Muslim, part-Pakistani, and... a very responsible person'. Currently a regular columnist for The Independent and the London Eveninig Standard, she is a well-known commentator on issues relating to immigration, diversity...

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  • OCT 09

    Paul Gambaccini at Cheltenham Literature Festival

    • 9 Oct 2015
    • The Sunday Times Garden Theatre, Cheltenham Literature Festival

    Arrested in 2013 under Operation Yewtree, the veteran broadcaster spent 12 months on police bail slandered and unable to work. He joins Libby Purves to give his account of the witch hunt he endured and the successful fight to clear his name. Tickets £10 - Silver, Gold & Full Members 10% off Paul Gambaccini is the only broadcaster to have had his own...

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  • OCT 08

    Dave And Maggie: Power and Personality

    • 8 Oct 2015
    • Cheltenham Literature Festival

    How do the personalities and personal lives of our politicians shape how they govern? Isabel Oakeshott (Call Me Dave) and Kwasi Kwarteng (Thatcher’s Trial) examine the contrasting styles and characters of two successful leaders and take a look at the role of the political biographer. Chaired by Philip Collins of The Times. £8 - Silver, Gold & Full Members 10% off...

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